This edition of the Core Weekly report highlights changes in PrestaShop core codebase during the last two weeks, from Monday 7th of September to Sunday 20th.
The current stable version of PrestaShop is version of PrestaShop, and this week we released the Release Candidate for the second patch version of branch 1.6.1.x: we need you to test that v1.6.1.2 RC1 is ready for production and does indeed fix the closed issues!
Meanwhile, the team is hard at work on version, and we published some information on this blog already:
- Initial launch of project.
- Starter Theme collaborative project.
- Recent technological changes in codebase: CLDR, Composer, JSHint, etc.
More information is coming soon, among which explanation of where we aim to take the new architecture that was introduced in v1.6.1.0, and details about some forthcoming design changes.
Do you want to contribute your code skills to the PrestaShop project? Make sure your Git setup is correctly configured, and that you follow our new branching model! Then, read these documentation pages.
The Core Weekly will now have separate sections for major branches. You can see the work being done on the following branches: 1.6.1.x, develop, and feat/starter-theme.
Of note among the merged PRs since the last Core Weekly Report:
- We reached PR 4000!
- In PR 3931, Core developer @julienbourdeau removed the Mobile Theme feature.
- In PR 3952, Core developer @julienbourdeau introduced widgets!
- In Pr 3969, Core developer @julienbourdeau introduced Validate::isDateOrNull
Code changes in 1.6.1.x
Let’s review the merged pull-requests on the 1.6.1.x branch since the last Core Weekly Report!
Front office
- 3764: Fix current_url variable used in pagination. Thank you gskema!
- 3958: gets the carrier available with weight attribute. Thank you DogSports!
- 3861: take account of PS_SSL_ENABLED_EVERYWHERE in file manager config, by @gRoussac.
- 3789: Fix negative prices on product page, by @gRoussac.
- 3831: Fix dead code in product-list.tpl, by @gRoussac.
- 3941: Table ‘ps_product_reductions’ already exists, by @gRoussac.
- 3917: Fix fatal error Property CustomerThread->id_order is not valid, by @gRoussac.
- 3975: Fix OrderHistory multishop getCustomerOrders shared orders, by @gRoussac.
- 3950: Fix notice on customizedDatas, by @gRoussac.
- 4026: Footer fix in default-bootstrap theme: nocache on copyright year, by @xGouley.
- 4027: fix when clicking filters labels, not checkbox, by @xGouley.
- 3829: Fix no alt on subcategories images, by @gRoussac.
- 3830: Fix missing nofollow in pagination.tpl, by @gRoussac.
- 3809: newsletter flag for customer if previously registred as guest, by @gRoussac.
- 3837: Css fix for TOS width on small devices, by @gRoussac.
- 3908: Possible error Cannot read property ‘iso_code’ of undefined, by @gRoussac.
- 4034: Use floor() instead of round() to show correct amount of loyalty points. Thank you @sambrista!
- 3968: Top menu not always active on mobile. Thank you @eric-rouvier!
Back office
- 3925: Fix performance issue with tags, by @jocel1.
- 3926: Fix performance issue with tags, by @jocel1.
- 3943: fix filter home category display, by @gRoussac.
- 3898: Impossible to add products via StockManager. Thank you @eric-rouvier!
- 3973: Fix parse serror when quotes in import file name, by @gRoussac.
- 3971: Could not bulk delete attributes, by @gRoussac.
- 3940: Bad invoice creation if delivery slip already exists. Thank you @eric-rouvier!
- 3884: Fix wrong “back o list” href on AdminCategories, by @gRoussac.
- 4006: Some controllers may want to use Filters without an objectModel. Thank you @hiousi!
- 3991: Make picking products easier, by @dave-lp.
- 3847: cart rules don’t retain customer name/email, by @gRoussac.
- 3967: Fix bad id for email translations toggle, by @gRoussac.
- 3955: Fix possible Exception in product tabs loading, by @gRoussac.
- 3889: Fix typo Warehouse::$idintval, by @gRoussac.
- 4017: Fix id_connections in last connections, by @gRoussac.
- 3982: Fix bad action display when sub categories disabled, by @gRoussac.
- 3954: Could not re enable module on devices, by @gRoussac.
- 4025: Fix max width 96px on module logo on “not trusted module” popin, by @xGouley.
- 4029: Fix e-mail preview, by @maximebiloe.
- 4005: Fix AdminBackupControllerCore and timeout, by @gRoussac.
- 3918: Fix bad table id after DND, by @gRoussac.
- 3939: Fix commas in carrier prices wizard, by @gRoussac.
- 3953: Fix virtual product Duplicate entry, by @gRoussac.
- 3752: You can now have a “from” date and a “to” date like ‘0000-00-00 00:00:00’. Thank you @prestamodule!
- 3927: Add
to Currency entity, by @julienbourdeau. - 3932: Bad norm function getCountry, by @gRoussac.
- 3945: Fix 1.6.1.x sql upgrade files, by @Shudrum.
- 3972: Fix undefined variable delivery_address in classes/pdf/HTMLTemplateOrderSlip.php on line 165, by @gRoussac.
- 3970: fix bad cache_default_attribute, + bad clear cache on colors, by @gRoussac.
- 3999: Typo, by @hiousi& @gRoussac.
- 4001: Catalog Rule for a specific shop do not save, by @gRoussac.
- 4003: Fix hard coded table name in configuration class, by @gRoussac.
- 3777: Cart / Correct cache_key name for getOrderedCartRulesIds(). Thank you @prestamodule!
- 4009: Allow invoice template override, by @jnadaud.
- 3778: Give the possibility to filter on active field in getCustomers(), by @gRoussac.
- 3780: Use DB delete() method in cleanGroups() in Product class. Thank you @prestamodule!
- 3769: Use DB delete() method in deleteAccessories() & deleteFromAccessories() methods in Product class. Thank you @prestamodule!
- 3765: Call orderbyPrice() only if there are some results. Thank you @prestamodule!
- 3938: Property StockAvailable->id_product is empty, by @gRoussac.
- 4016: DbMySQLi and socket + add driver in AdminInformation, by @gRoussac.
- 3784: Use DB delete() method in deleteCategoriesFromShop(). Thank you @prestamodule!
- 3795: Fix case statement in HTMLTemplateInvoice. Thank you @gskema!
- 3782: Use DB delete() method in cleanGroups() & cleanAssoProducts(). Thank you @prestamodule!
- 3838: Reflect 6 decimals for product weight according to db structure, by @gRoussac.
- 3987: Fix #PSCSX-6814, bad sql query in Lanqguage::loadUpdateSQL(), by @gRoussac.
- 4028: Media::getMediaPath improved, by @tchauviere.
- 4014: enable invoice number reset, by @gRoussac.
- 3936: Fix inconsistent cart rule country restriction, by @gRoussac.
- 4011: add category thumbnail, by @gRoussac.
- 4037: Fixed currency convertion. Thank you @Amazzing!
- 4012: Blocklanguages add hreflang and rel alternate to the links for a better SEO and avoid duplicate content. Thank you @cgordenne!
- 4021: Add rel attribut for google plus link in blocksocial, by @maximebiloe.
- 4022: Correct points on product load in loyalty module, by @maximebiloe.
- 4024: Add to cart button for accessories, by @maximebiloe.
Code changes in
Let’s review the merged pull-requests on the ‘develop’ branch since the last Core Weekly Report!
Note that the Start Theme repo (see next section) is entirely part of the PrestaShop project.
Back office
- 4023: Import registration date for customer, by @maximebiloe.
- 4043: Enable product pack and product dematerialized for accessories. Thank you @quadrateam!
- 3183: password multiple hash and new salt. Thank you @sfroment42!
- 3969: Introducing Validate::isDateOrNull, by @julienbourdeau.
- 3977: fix obsolete upgrade sql file, by @kelu95.
- 3916: Remove _includeVars ; never more used. Thank you @prestamodule!
Code changes in Starter Theme
Let’s review the merged pull-requests on the ‘feat/starter-theme’ branch since the last Core Weekly Report!
- 3921: Home now renders / Provide sane defaults for page info, by @djfm.
- 3922: load theme.css, by @djfm.
- 3924: Allow registering custom Smarty plugins. Thank you @alexsegura!
- 3909: Rework front controller, by @julienbourdeau.
- 3929: Product page for StarterTheme, by @maximebiloe.
- 3930: Rework front controller, by @julienbourdeau.
- 3933: Add body_classes to $page, by @julienbourdeau.
- 3934: helper script to setup the workspace, by @djfm.
- 3946: Introduce
for FrontController, by @julienbourdeau. - 3956: Rework/sitemap controller, by @julienbourdeau.
- 3944: Rework ProductController for images and labels assignation, by @julienbourdeau.
- 3931: Retire mobile theme feature (go responsive), by @julienbourdeau.
- 3951: Rework stores controller, by @julienbourdeau.
- 3952: Feat/starter theme widgets, by @djfm.
- 3965: improve smarty hook fct : add exclude param. Thank you @prestarocket!
- 3974: Rework Auth and Identity controllers, by @julienbourdeau.
- 3966: Feat/starter theme categories, by @djfm.
- 3981: Provide JS base url to templates & Validate::isJson needs to be static, by @djfm.
- 3983: Added anchor to product url, by @djfm.
- 3980: Fix little typo in getSortOptions function. Thank you @PrestanceDesign!
- 3998: Fix sitemap urls, by @julienbourdeau.
- 3992: Rework ProductController, by @maximebiloe.
- 4000: Rework AddressesController, by @julienbourdeau.
- 4010: Introduce {url} smarty function, by @julienbourdeau.
- 4033: Add id_product_attribute to product URLs, by @djfm.
See all the PRs merged into the codebase since September 7th here.
Thank you to our contributors whose Pull Requests were merged since the last Core Weekly Report: alexsegura, cgordenne, DogSports, eric-rouvier, gskema, hiousi, prestamodule, PrestanceDesign, prestarocket, quadrateam, sambrista, and sfroment42. Also, thank you to the contributors who’s PRs haven’t been merged yet! And of course, a big thank you to all those who contribute with tickets on the Forge!
If you want to contribute to PrestaShop with code, read those:
…and if you do not know how to fix an issue but wish to report it, read this: How to use the Forge to contribute to PrestaShop. Thank you!
Happy contributin’ everyone!