As an editor of a free software translated in many languages, our wish has always been that merchants from anywhere around the world could be able to sell easily thanks to PrestaShop.
This strong focus on internationalization implies more than “just” having the software translated. It also means supporting more formats and behaviours. As a first step towards a full internationalization, we’d like to make sure that PrestaShop 1.7 version is compliant with right-to-left languages.
Many of you have shown interest in this project, so this is why we want to involve you today.
Give your opinion
We’ve created a Trello board to share our ideas, intentions and progress with all of you. It is public and anyone can join. If you’re interested in helping us, please join and take part in this project:
To join the board as a member, you’ll find a welcome link in the first list.
Once you’ve joined the project, you can:
- Comment on existing cards: tell us what you think, give some more details, share opinions!
- Vote: push the suggestions you think are best
- Create new cards: make some suggestions by adding new cards
- Contribute: manage sub-projects, submit code, and more!
What is this board about
Let’s get things straight: RTL is new to the team ^^;
Right now we’re exploring the topic and this is what the board is about: figuring out what is expected, what should be changed or improved, based on our research, but also your feedback and experience.
For example: Tristan, our Product Designer, has already designed some mock-ups for the Classic Theme to start adapting it to RTL languages. You can review these mock-ups and comment on the Trello card (or directly on Invision where the mock-ups are hosted). Your feedback is appreciated!
PrestaShop is an open-source project, and we want to build its future with you :)