This edition of the Core Weekly report highlights changes in PrestaShop core codebase during last week, from Monday 5th to Sunday 11th of October.
Notable happenings
- In 4113, Core developer @gRoussac made it so that there is no confusion anymore between internal-team messages and messages sent to the customer.
- In 6837, @gRoussac corrected a wrong behavior with product image thumbnail during import.
- In 4164, Core contributor @prestamodule to multiple exclusion filter values in the web service (eg.
). - In 4176, Starter Theme developer @djfm made it so that Smarty automatically escapes HTML. Bye bye
! - In 4181, @djfm added app-level events to keep the UI in sync.
Code changes in 1.6.1.x
Here are the merged pull-requests on the 1.6.1.x branch since the last Core Weekly Report!
Front office
- 4079: Content hooked to ‘productListReviews’ is removed on dynamic list/grid update, by @gRoussac.
- 4131: Fix notice Undefined index: nb_products, by @gRoussac.
- 4137: Metas in maintenance mode, by @gRoussac.
- 4236: Fix bad redirection on cart when minimum amount for order, by @gRoussac.
Back office
- 4163: Remove old warning icon if no customer found when search one in create order. Thank you @prestamodule!
- 4113: Fix confusion about private messages in AdminCustomerThreads, by @gRoussac.
- 4117: Customer groups - remove enable status on customers, by @gRoussac.
- 4127: Delete thumb on product import, by @gRoussac.
- 4138: Fix exception on specific price amount import, by @gRoussac.
- 4141: Fix bad redirect when deleting shopping cart rule in customer details view, by @gRoussac.
- 4178: AdminCustomerController, one more string is now translatable, by @AlexEven.
- 4223: Show stock warning on products less than 0. Thank you @PhpMadman!
- 4159: Class: Address / Use getValue() instead of getRow() in isUsed() method. Thank you @prestamodule!
- 4160: Class: Customization / Use getValue() instead of getRow(). Thank you @prestamodule!
- 4162: Class: AdminController / Remove displayNoSmarty() method. Thank you @prestamodule!
- 4161: Class: Module / $live_edit declared but not used. Thank you @prestamodule!
- 4123: Fix notice Undefined index: host in classes/ConnectionsSource.php, by @gRoussac.
- 4169: Fix htmlentities in configuration files, by @julienbourdeau.
- 4196: Fix undefined var, by @gRoussac.
- 4225: Fix typo in getCMSContent, by @gRoussac.
- 4144: Could not edit a carrier, by @gRoussac.
Web service
- 4164: Manage multiple exclude filter values. Thank you @prestamodule!
Code changes in
Now let’s review the merged pull-requests on the ‘develop’ branch since the last Core Weekly Report!
Note that the Start Theme repo (see next section) is entirely part of the PrestaShop project.
- 4240: Increase customer name length, by @jnadaud.
- 4250: Lastname & firstname are now varchar(255) for customer. Thank you @vAugagneur!
- 4253: Include /classe/log/ and /modules/**/img/ folder in gitignore. Thank you @PrestanceDesign!
- 4252: Updated composer install command. Thank you @PhpMadman!
Code changes in Starter Theme
Finally, these are the merged pull-requests on the ‘feat/starter-theme’ branch since the last Core Weekly Report!
- 4173: Checkout feature, by @djfm.
- 4174: Multiple and default carrier(s) in cart, by @maximebiloe.
- 4184: Improved Tests Documentation, by @djfm.
- 4176: Core : Smarty now automatically escapes HTML, by @djfm.
- 4181: Core : Added app level events to keep UI in sync, by @djfm.
- 4191: Move sub-cats up into the main <section> to keep semantic relationship. Thank you @inetbiz!
- 4198: Fixed JS Escaping, by @djfm.
- 4216: Add some nofilter for addresses, by @julienbourdeau.
- 4229: blockcontact replaces blockcontactinfos, by @djfm.
See all the PRs merged into the codebase since the last Core Weekly here.
Thank you to our contributors whose Pull Requests were merged since the last Core Weekly Report: @inetbiz, @macroy, @PhpMadman, @PrestanceDesign, @prestamodule, and @vAugagneur. Also, thank you to the contributors whose PRs haven’t been merged yet! And of course, a big thank you to all those who contribute with tickets on the Forge!
If you want to contribute to PrestaShop with code, read those:
…and if you do not know how to fix an issue but wish to report it, read this: How to use the Forge to contribute to PrestaShop. Thank you!
Happy contributin’ everyone!