This edition of the Core Weekly report highlights changes in PrestaShop’s core codebase during the last three weeks, from Monday 7th to Sunday 27th of August 2017.
General messages
I hope your holidays went fine! I’m back from a few weeks, and can’t get to get into this second half of 2017, which looks very promising to me ;)
August means a slow months for everyone: there weren’t a lot of merges as many of us were out in the wilderness, but the team still managed to release v1.7.2.1!
Code changes in the ‘develop’ branch (for v1.7.3.0)
- #8134: Fixed bug in addMissingProductFields that gives array_merge the priority to $rows[0] instead of $rawProduct. Thank you @christianverardi!
- #8252: Add context in legacy module translation function, by @aleeks.
Back office
- #8066: Allow admin folder name inside quick access link. Thank you @prestamodule!
- #8163: Fix encoded back URL, by @quetzacoalt91.
- #8202: Add caching for theme yaml file, by @jocel1.
- #8208: Add active filter in stock management, by @aleeks.
- #8253: Add class to fix input style bug in AdminOrders controller. Thank you @mehrshadz!
Front office
- #8195: Reintroduced the guest allowance check in FrontController. Thank you @manfield!
- #8225: Use PS_GUEST_CHECKOUT_ENABLED … only in checkout, by @quetzacoalt91.
- #8226: Add codacy badge in README, by @quetzacoalt91.
Code changes in the ‘1.7.2.x’ branch (for v1.7.2.2)
- #8138: Fix tax calculation when vat number is used. Thank you @prestamodule!
- #8210: Fix missing product limit/offset when ordering by price on Sale page, by @jocel1.
- #8212: Optimize specific price computing by executing the query only when needed, by @jocel1.
- #8228: Optimise synchronization stock sql, by @aleeks.
Back office
- #8057: Save before generate combinations, by @fatmabouchekoua.
- #8063: Display texture image in combination form, by @fatmabouchekoua.
- #8266: Fix error while reaching AdminModules, by @quetzacoalt91.
- #8238: Fix wrong final combination price if BC Math is not available, by @eternoendless.
- #8236: Fix module modal layout, by @maximebiloe.
Front office
- #8082: Scroll top to product list when paginate, by @fatmabouchekoua.
Code changes in the ‘rtl’ branch (for the 1.7 RTL project)
- #8241: Fix json file and some translation for Persian language. Thanks @danoosh!
- #8242: Add a library to composer.json file. Thank you @ramtin2025!
- #8260: Remove CSS included directly in twig files, by @maximebiloe.
Thank you to the contributors whose pull requests were merged since the last Core Weekly Report: @christianverardi, @danoosh, @manfield, @mehrshadz, @prestamodule, and @ramtin2025!
Thank you to the contributors whose PRs haven’t been merged yet! And of course, a big thank you to all those who contribute with tickets and comments on the Forge!
If you want to contribute to PrestaShop with code, please read these pages first:
…and if you do not know how to fix an issue but wish to report it, please read this: How to use the Forge to contribute to PrestaShop. Thank you!
Happy contributin’ everyone!