Dear readers, followers, developers, translators, PrestaShopers from all sides, we call for your opinion about the devblog, you answered, thank you so much!
We must admit that we were quite eager for the results, as we know Build needs to evolved and be improved. Since we are convinced this change must come with you, as you are all the first involved in it, it seems important to us to ask for your opinion about it. Let’s turn Build into a more custom-made devblog!
About you
First, let’s have a look at the most important… Who are you, all Build followers? A simple question which brought a little surprise with the answer because we discovered that most of you are long-time followers, and it is something very nice to acknowledge! Indeed, 60% read Build since more than a year and this once a week. It’s quite a score, right?
Second important thing is that the readers are split up into 70% developers and 25% merchants. Not a really big surprise but still. Between the lines, it means we need to keep on writing about the PrestaShop software and its current/planned evolution to give you news about how it can work for you.
About Build
Same thing here, what we learned in this part is that Build is here to fulfill a need. In most cases, readers land on the devblog after a web research (63%) or via GitHub (20%). But the other answers are also interesting to study: social medias stand for 8% and the rest comes from PrestaShop itself. Let’s not forget that PrestaShop has been developing a lot of activities with its broad community (translation projects, forum, meetings, blogs, etc.), and this is what brings you here!
What for? First thing to know: there is 57% chance you read this because you want to develop PrestaShop. Or you want to get extra documentation on a possibility, feature or module. And the cherry on top is that more than 87% of you declared their visit on Build helpful. So blog posts here are pretty useful and constructive. In a nutshell, we need to keep a good level of information, assistance and achievement in our articles. It has to be our number one rule which needs to apply to each blog post.
What’s next
As for the future of Build, here are two clouds representing what kind of articles we need to keep and start, following the most used key words. First, the conclusion to draw is that we need to continue posting news about PRs merged, features we want to integrate in future releases. Roadmap is also one thing to maintain, and perhaps get clearer but we will see that later. In other words: what is the upcoming development for PrestaShop.
Originally, the point was also to let the community express itself. Build was a way, accessible to anyone interested, to write about PrestaShop and how to develop the software. But this possibility slowly disappears and it happens that today, when the question was asked whether you would like to write on the devblog, answer was no, up to 72%! But this does not mean you do not have expectations…
Among all the topics raised, the ones to focus on are development, features, modules, translation, documentation, practices and roadmap. In general, you look for precise and technical, sometimes shorter, information about the way you can use and develop PrestaShop. And about how our dev team is working, which is a very interesting subject we can easily emphasize.
Last but not least, it seems there is no need of a newsletter. Note the publication schedule: Monday is core weekly day, Wednesday is software day and Friday is fun day!
Again, thanks a lot for answering our survey, we are glad to have collected so many information and ideas to study, we will learn from it and tend to a brighter future. ;)