This edition of the Core Weekly report highlights changes in PrestaShop’s core codebase during the last week, from Monday 22nd to Sunday 28th of January 2018.
General messages
Good dev news here! Beside our final new year’s greetings, wonderfully illustrated here to highlight to work achieved in 2017, a great deal of pull requests has been merged last week. Clap your hands, there is no more open issue for the 1.7.3! In the meantime, we are making big progress on the Symfony framework. Stay tuned and be proud, this is coming and this will be huge!
Code changes in the ‘develop’ branch (for v1.7.4.0)
- #8683: Locale entity needs to aggregate Price Specifications (one by installed currency), by @littlebigdev.
- #8693: Number specification Repository, Locale Repository, by @littlebigdev.
- #8694: CO: Product name error if not english. Thank you @jorgevrgs!
Back office
- #8580: Added Back Office missing roles. Thank you @alexalouit!
Front office
- #8652: SEO - Add hreflang links for multilang pages, by @quetzacoalt91.
Code changes in the ‘1.7.3.x’ branch (for v1.7.3.0)
- #8691: Add RTL generation for modules and some rtl fixtures. Thank you @danoosh!
Back office
- #8671: Fix visual regressions on Firefox, by @eternoendless.
- #8697: Added Back Office missing roles, by @eternoendless.
- #8702: Fix RTL visual glitches, by @eternoendless.
- #8704: Support Arabic numbers in the Product page, by @eternoendless.
Code changes in the ‘1.6.1.x’ branch (for v1.6.1.18)
- #8429: CO : Icrease limit message chars . Thank you @okom3pom!
- #8695: [-] CO : FIX PHP 7.1 compatibility. Thank you @axometeam!
Back office
- #8233: Fix stock available after add product in order. Thank you @mounirboukhris!
- #8389: BO: Fix selecting a product does not work on Mac. Thank you @guillaumeg22!
Thank you to the contributors whose pull requests were merged since the last Core Weekly Report: @alexalouit, @axometeam, @danoosh, @guillaumeg22, @jorgevrgs, @mounirboukhris and @okom3pom!
Thank you to the contributors whose PRs haven’t been merged yet! And of course, a big thank you to all those who contribute with tickets and comments on the Forge!
If you want to contribute to PrestaShop with code, please read these pages first:
…and if you do not know how to fix an issue but wish to report it, please read this: How to use the Forge to contribute to PrestaShop. Thank you!
Happy contributin’ everyone!