This edition of the Core Weekly report highlights changes in PrestaShop’s core codebase during the last two weeks, from Monday 26th of February to Sunday 11th of March 2018.
General messages
Wow, almost seventeen pull requests merged last week. Impressive! It seems that we’re back, with a lot of features and futures projects to share, and it feels very good. A test framework has been set, to launch a suite of functional tests and gain precious time, version is out, the release schedule also, and the detailed roadmap is on its way… we are pretty eager to be on the road again with you all! Stay connected!
Code changes in the ‘develop’ branch (for v1.7.4.0)
Code changes in the ‘1.7.3.x’ branch (for v1.7.3.0)
Back office
- #8234: Fixed bug on save specific price priority for specific product. Thank you @christianverardi!
- #8476: Fix customer search in new order form. Thank you @uebix!
- #8525: “No tax” price option is now well saved in admin product page, by @littlebigdev.
- #8618: Fix type warning in order detail, by @eternoendless.
- #8648: Fix modal backdrop not removed when uninstalling a module. Thank you @alegout!
- #8696: Fix translation issue during language install, by @tomlev.
- #8714: Update loaded details from database on module action, by @quetzacoalt91.
- #8725: Replace Google+ link on BO footer by Youtube link. Thank you @slorenzini!
Front office
- #8522: Fixed specific price percentage rounding on front product page, by @littlebigdev.
- #8277: CustomerAddressFormatter states were queried without the status (active) check causing disabling states in BO useless. Thank you @yuxblank!
- #8462: Fix empty module return on actionEmailSendBefore breaks all email send. Thank you @mdweb-lille!
- #8669: Make sure all adresses are reset on cart. Thank you @prestaworks!
- #8795: Minor improvements during install, by @eternoendless.
- #8746: Make file copy on ModuleSelfConfiguration mockable, by @eternoendless.
- #8815: Re-enable functional tests, by @fatmabouchekoua.
- #8806: Sample products in FA. Thank you @mehrshadz!
Thank you to the contributors whose pull requests were merged since the last Core Weekly Report: @alegout, @christianverardi, @mdweb-lille, @mehrshadz, @prestaworks, @slorenzini, @uebix and @yuxblank!
Thank you to the contributors whose PRs haven’t been merged yet! And of course, a big thank you to all those who contribute with tickets and comments on the Forge!
If you want to contribute to PrestaShop with code, please read these pages first:
…and if you do not know how to fix an issue but wish to report it, please read this: How to use the Forge to contribute to PrestaShop. Thank you!
Happy contributin’ everyone!