PrestaShop is now available.
The most notable fixes for are:
- Fixes for Smarty errors
- Fixes for Installation errors
- File access to JS et CSS on the front
- Upgrade 1.6 » 1.7
Here is the complete list of changes for
- Back Office:
- Bug fix:
- #9358: AdminSearchController.php : Parameter must be an array or an object that implements Countable
- #9359: Allow configuration to save html data
- #9330: It is impossible to create a SQL query “SELECT” - SQL Manager page
- #9326: Module translations aren’t working when using Smarty Extend into TPL
- #9327: Fixed Product form when stock management is disabled
- #9322: Backward compatibility of $this->isCached() in modules
- #9279: Fix detection of APCu on Performance page
- Bug fix:
- Front Office:
- Core:
- Installer:
Contributors to this patch versions, from both the Core team and the community at large: 123monsite-regis, GoT, iqit-commerce (Marcin Sz), jbroutier, jocelyn fournier, Mathieu Ferment, Mickaël Andrieu, Pablo Borowicz, Pedro Câmara, Pierre RAMBAUD, Prestarocket, Rémi Gaillard, Thomas LEVIANDIER, Thomas N, Thomas Nabord . Thank you! Five of you contributed for the very first time, warm welcome :-)
Since version is a “patch” update to version, upgrading from any 1.7.4 version will be easy: features will work better, and modules & themes which worked fine on 1.7.4.x will work just as well with
Upgrades from a standard 1.7.x version should work just as well.