This edition of the Core Weekly report highlights changes in PrestaShop’s core codebase during the last week, from Monday 26th of November to Sunday 2nd of December 2018.
General messages
Dear Developpers,
In case you missed, PrestaShop has been released yesterday. For merchants, the Christmas and Holiday periods are not the best time to upgrade. If, however, you are writing themes and modules, if you are a developer in an agency, or a freelance, or anyone else concerned about this new version or with the migration, please download it, install it, test it and report feedback ;-)
A quick update about GitHub issues
Last week, 51 new issues have been created in PrestaShop’s core repository, and 12 fixed issues have been closed.
Code changes in the ‘develop’ branch (for v1.7.6.0)
- #9034: Added missing Rewrite base on Api rule. Thank you @123monsite-regis
- #10465: Fixed bug on inc/dec product quantity in cart with vouchers discounts. Thank you @sete391
- #10974: Implement form handlers for SqlManager form - part 1. Thank you @sarjon
- #11510: Polyfill php73, by @Quetzacoalt91
- #11566: Build all the assets using a single command, by @eternoendless
Back office
- #9042: Fix controller override. Thank you @nenes25
- #10981: Change BO product list price source for multistore. Thank you @mafisz
- #11526: Fix wrong protocol in the File Manager Dialog. Thank you @freakstatic
- #11535: Display the right front url in multistore menu, by @jolelievre
Front office
- #9041: FO : Fix override of ProductController. Thank you @nenes25
- #11103: fix discount display without tax, by @tomlev
- #11282: Convert customization price to current currency. Thank you @unlocomqx
- #11455: Removing unnecessary spaces on header of the checkout page. Thank you @dineshbadrukhiya
- #11563: Fix typo for “Environment” comment. Thank you @Klemart3D
- #11464: Cleanup /tests directory. Thank you @sarjon
- #11525: Introduce modern unit tests for new test structure, by @matks
- #11529: Migrate tests-legacy tests to namespace LegacyTests, by @matks
- #11549: Unable to build tests container, by @PierreRambaud
- #11565: Allow tests high and fix conflicts in file, by @PierreRambaud
- #9366: Don’t display the system step if mandatory requirements are OK, by @rGaillard
Code changes in the ‘1.7.5.x’ branch (for v1.7.5.0)
Back office
- #11339: Fix default values on import page, by @tomlev
- #11475: Impossible to change position of products, by @PierreRambaud
- #11486: Fix layout, by @eternoendless
- #11508: Escape javascript and html strings, by @PierreRambaud
- #11531: Fix all miswritten getAdminLink calls in templates, by @jolelievre
- #11533: Disable oProxyCommand when imap.enable_insecure_rsh does not exists, by @PierreRambaud
Code changes in the ‘1.6.1.x’ branch (for v1.6.1.24)
Code changes in modules, themes & tools
Buy Button Lite
Auto Upgrade
- #192: Avoid storing whole file content in memory, by @Quetzacoalt91
- #194: Deploying v4.5.0 of autoupgrade module, by @Quetzacoalt91
Link list
- #67: Ajax method renamed to be used in a display context as they should, by @jolelievre
Translation files
- #5: Remove not manage languages from 1.7.5, by @jolelievre
Viewed products block
- #10: On product deletion, the display should work as expected, by @mickaelandrieu
Changes in Documentation
- #169: Confusing route path for yml file. Thank you @dheerajwebkul
Thank you to the contributors whose pull requests were merged since the last Core Weekly Report: @123monsite-regis, @freakstatic, @dheerajwebkul, @dineshbadrukhiya, @Joukz, @Klemart3D, @mafisz, @nenes25, @sarjon, @sete391, @unlocomqx!
Thank you to the contributors whose PRs haven’t been merged yet! And of course, a big thank you to all those who contribute with issues and comments on GitHub!
If you want to contribute to PrestaShop with code, please read these pages first:
…and if you do not know how to fix an issue but wish to report it, please read this: How to use GitHub to report an issue. Thank you!
Happy contributin’ everyone!