This edition of the Core Weekly report highlights changes in PrestaShop’s core codebase from Monday 22nd to Sunday 28th of July 2019.
General messages
Dear Developers,
A new repository is now active with a very interesting and awaited content: specifications. Still a work in progress, the product management team from the PrestaShop company has started to publish specifications and other important information about “how it should works”. The target is to give more resources to developers and contributors in general.
And of course, like all resources on the GitHub repositories, this is possible to add links to the specifications in issues and pull requests. This will ease the general project management.
The URL to this new repository:
A quick update about PrestaShop’s GitHub issues and pull requests:
- 77 new issues have been created in the project repositories;
- 56 issues have been closed, including 12 fixed issues on the core;
- 51 pull requests have been opened in the project repositories;
- 54 pull requests have been closed, including 40 merged pull requests.
Code changes in the ‘develop’ branch
- #13712: Prepares Command API for migrating Order view page. Thank you @sarjon
- #13906: Update CLDR data to 35.1, by @eternoendless
- #14065: Migrates Shopping Carts view page. Thank you @sarjon
Back office
- #12497: Fix issue with the link Manage tax rules in the pricing tab, by @khouloudbelguith
- #12903: Match multiline translation expressions in modules. Thank you @unlocomqx
- #13980: Execute displayAdminLogin hook without shop context. Thank you @idnovate
- #14805: Fix unclosed div tag. Thank you @sarjon
Front office
- #14819: Fix create account sitemap link. Thank you @Thomas-lhuillier
- #14670: Add Behat tests for Customer commands. Thank you @sarjon
- #14764: Install prestashop test with puppeteer, by @boubkerbribri
- #14815: Add a new smoke test: crawling BO, by @SimonGrn
- #14825: Fix some minor problems on the “crawling BO” smoke test, by @SimonGrn
Code changes in the “1.7.6.x” branch (for v1.7.6.0)
- #14664: Update precision and numeric iso code of currencies, by @Quetzacoalt91
- #14833: Bad currency format for Czech language, by @PierreRambaud
Back office
- #14828: Cannot save the “No Picture Image” , by @PierreRambaud
- #14620: Init properly the Kernel on major manual upgrades, by @Quetzacoalt91
- #14739: Keep Composer.lock file in release, by @jolelievre
Code changes in modules, themes & tools
PrestaShop Specifications
- #2:, by @marionf
- #3: Add link to add/edit products spec, by @marionf
- #4: Create, by @marionf
- #5: Add link to Add/edit products - basic settings, by @marionf
- #6: Update layout, by @marionf
- #7: Create, by @marionf
- #8: Add link to quantities tab, by @marionf
- #9: Create, by @marionf
- #10: Add link to virtual product tab, by @marionf
- #11: Create, by @marionf
Faceted search
- #114: Use texture and color attribute only when color_type is set, by @PierreRambaud
- #115: Faceted search bad currency format on 1.7.6, by @PierreRambaud
Google Analytics
- #34: Uninstall module used on PS 1.6 before using this one, by @Quetzacoalt91
Live demo devices
- #8: Add Google Tag Manager, by @Quetzacoalt91
E-mail subscription form
- #36: Uninstall module used on PS 1.6 before using this one, by @Quetzacoalt91
Cron tasks manager
Changes in documentation
- #309: Added sf-params option to sf category, by @mickaelandrieu
- #311: add validation tip about loading external code. Thank you @zalexki
- #314: Correction of code remove the 2 times ->add(. Thank you @PrestaSafe
Thank you to the contributors whose pull requests were merged since the last Core Weekly Report: @boubkerbribri, @djodjo3, @eternoendless, @idnovate, @jolelievre, @khouloudbelguith, @marionf, @matks, @mickaelandrieu, @sarjon, @SimonGrn, @PierreRambaud, @PrestaSafe, @Quetzacoalt91, @Thomas-lhuillier, @unlocomqx, @zalexki!
Thank you to the contributors whose PRs haven’t been merged yet! And of course, a big thank you to all those who contribute with issues and comments on GitHub!
If you want to contribute to PrestaShop with code, please read these pages first:
…and if you do not know how to fix an issue but wish to report it, please read this: How to use GitHub to report an issue. Thank you!
Happy contributin’ everyone!