After a few months dedicated to fixing all regressions found on the previous 1.7.6 versions, PrestaShop is finally available!
This maintenance release fixes 16 issues reported on versions,, and
Obviously, you should upgrade your shop quickly in order to benefit from those fixes - and do not forget to backup before. ;-)
Reminder: the 1-Click Upgrade module’s latest version is v4.10.1 (read here), do not forget to upgrade it as well.
Regression fixes
Below are listed all the regression issues fixed in this version:
- Unclear error notifications about the number of characters allowed on both following pages:
- Cost price & unit price sections on a product sheet do not save the changes (#16353)
- When I install a new language, emails are not translated at the first generation (#16273)
- Quickview and product flags bug (#16633)
- Wrong encoding for viewed products (#16739)
- Currency translatable fields empty in webservice (#16760)
- Customers export from the BO - Wrong 50 limit (#16328)
- Error in mails/it/order_customer_comment.html (#16829)
- Missing chart in Shop Search stats for new employees (#16730)
- Dashboard - customer link not working (#16460)
- Can’t enable/disable Newsletter option & Enabled option when the field “Partner offers” is required (#16509)
- PrestaShop’s front office should be displayed right-to-left when in Arabic (#17245)
Read the full changelog here.
Important changes
Below are security changes we added in this version:
- Quick access error when having a wrong url (#17050)
- Protect modules vendor folder on install/upgrade/enable (#17036)
Contributors to this patch version, from both the core team and the community at large, are Thomas Baccelli, Pablo Borowicz, Mathieu Ferment, Maxim Krizhanovsky, Franck Lefèvre, Jonathan Lelievre, Pierre Rambaud, Matthieu Rolland, Valentin Szczupak, and Michael Voříšek. Thank you very much!
Download PrestaShop now!
Since version is a “patch” update to version, upgrading from any 1.7.6 version will be easy: features will work better, and modules & themes which worked fine on 1.7.6.x will work just as well with Upgrades from a standard 1.7.x version should work just as well.