This edition of the Core Weekly report highlights changes in PrestaShop’s core codebase from Monday 8th to Sunday 14th of June 2020.
A quick update about PrestaShop’s GitHub issues and pull requests:
- 95 new issues have been created in the project repositories;
- 82 issues have been closed, including 30 fixed issues on the core;
- 124 pull requests have been opened in the project repositories;
- 162 pull requests have been closed, including 146 merged pull requests.
Code changes in the ‘develop’ branch
- #19260: Fix order payment duplication depending on order state configuration. Thank you @erouvier29
- #18883: Fix BO - New currency page . Thank you @PululuK
- #18116: Avoid crash because of image timeout, by @matks
Back office
- #19655: Use setFieldsToUpdate() in UpdateProductBasicInformationHandler. Thank you @zuk3975
- #19648: Number extractor service. Thank you @zuk3975
- #19580: Remove pagination on Modules to update List, by @Progi1984
- #19525: Fixed used route for checking notifications in BO, by @Progi1984
- #19510: Fix Missing required fields in import . Thank you @PululuK
- #19453: Help on textarea (twig) show 2 times. Thank you @clotaire202
- #19289: [BO] Fixed Email subject translation. Thank you @Amit-Kumar-Tiwari-Webkul
- #19286: [BO] Backup Controller : Improvements. Thank you @PululuK
- #19102: Fixed error when no Memcached servers are available., by @Progi1984
- #18954: Wrong value for tpl_vars[‘back’] in AdminController::renderForm. Thank you @manudas
- #18937: Wrong redirection when using the quick search for a category (Second). Thank you @PululuK
- #18622: Remove call to, by @matks
- #18510: Fix “The stock counter is not updated when actions on cart products are performed “. Thank you @arouiadib
- #17819: Split configuration forms into single form management, by @PierreRambaud
- #17651: Update tinymce from 4.0.16 to 4.9.8, by @NeOMakinG
- #16876: Support ip subnet in maintenance mode. Thank you @jf-viguier
Front office
- #19538: Add displayNewsletterRegistration hook in classic. Thank you @jf-viguier
- #19534: Front side validation problem on the number of characters in a password. Thank you @florian-202
- #18904: FO: show browser-native error messages during payment selection step in checkout. Thank you @patrickmyh
- #17322: Don’t log bots anymore. Thank you @jf-viguier
- #17123: Fix default country and country detection. Thank you @mvorisek
- #19213: Prefix parameter in CLI is not interpreted if it’s empty, by @PierreRambaud
Code changes in the ‘1.7.7.x’ branch
Back office
- #19597: Add order table empty state, by @atomiix
- #19582: Order products pagination, by @jolelievre
- #19725: Functional tests - Increase timeout after disabling a category, by @boubkerbribri
- #19653: Functional tests - Switch tests to playwright (instead of puppeteer), by @boubkerbribri
Code changes in the ‘1.7.6.x’ branch
Code changes in modules, themes & tools
Wire payment module
- #52: Validate composer.json, by @Progi1984
- #51: Bump version to 2.1.0 and Improve project, by @Progi1984
- #50: Add CONTRIBUTORS file, by @matks
Changes in developer documentation
- #568: Typos. Thank you @awurth
- #567: Use actionFrontControllerSetMedia if you want to add js and css, by @PierreRambaud
- #566: Manufacturer - Wrong API call string. Thank you @LorisB
- #565: Document smarty extensions, by @eternoendless
- #564: Update docs after playwright switch, by @boubkerbribri
- #563: Update symfony service/controller declaration about Symfony DI. Thank you @zalexki
- #561: Fix typo in Thank you @ksaandev
- #560: Update Thank you @marcoguido
- #559: List all available PrestaShop CLI commands, by @Progi1984
- #556: Add doc for Webservice language parameter, by @jolelievre
- #550: Add FAQ about overriding the product cover, by @jolelievre
Email subscription module
- #58: Bump version to 2.6.0 and Improve project, by @Progi1984
- #49: Add an hook for newsletter registration/unregistration. Thank you @jf-viguier
Order Notifications on the Favicon
- #18: Release 2.1.0, by @Matt75
- #16: Update devtools, by @Matt75
- #15: Add CONTRIBUTORS file, by @matks
- #13: Remove useless third party and clean module code, by @Matt75
PS Cleaner module
- #50: Release 2.1.0, by @Progi1984
- #49: Bump version to 2.1.0, by @Progi1984
- #48: Add CONTRIBUTORS file, by @matks
- #46: Project Improvements, by @Progi1984
- #45: Fixed check of the status of checkboxes, by @Progi1984
Live translation
- #9: Added the way to disable Crowdin Popup (BO/FO), by @Progi1984
Shop search
Sales and orders
Registrations statistics modules
Product details
Registered customer information
Visitors origin
Visitors online
Stats Dashboard
Browsers and operating systems
Carrier distribution
Best vouchers
Best suppliers
Best manufacturers
Best customers
Best categories
Search engine keywords
Social Follow module
Search Bar module
Main menu module
Language selector
Featured products
Customer data privacy block
Custom text
Customer “Sign in” link
Customer account links
Contact informations module
Check payment
Category tree links
Google Sitemap module
Simple HTML table display
NVD3 Charts
Dashboard Trends
Core Weekly Generator tool
- #38: adding new component to the list, by @ttoine
- #37: Bump websocket-extensions from 0.1.3 to 0.1.4. Thank you @dependabot[bot]
PrestaShop on Docker
- #17: Update whole repo + add PHP 7.3, by @Quetzacoalt91
Dashboard Goals
Dashboard Activity module
Contact Form
Catalog statistics
Catalog evaluation
Best-selling products
Data mining for statistics
Available quantities
Visits and Visitors
PrestaShop Specifications
- #122: Update product images specs, by @colinegin
- #103: Create multistore general specs, by @marionf
Link list
- #92: Update license headers, by @Progi1984
- #90: Bump version to 3.2.0 and Improve project, by @Progi1984
- #89: Add CONTRIBUTORS file, by @matks
Theme customization
Share Buttons module
Email Alerts module
- #54: Release 2.2.0, by @Progi1984
Example modules
- #20: Demodoctrine module, by @jolelievre
Prestashop UI Kit
- #93: Update errors of input group to use the exact same workflow of bootstrap, by @NeOMakinG
Auto Upgrade module
- #332: Reverse arrays and use array_pop instead of array_shift, by @Quetzacoalt91
Thank you to the contributors whose pull requests were merged since the last Core Weekly Report: @Progi1984, @boubkerbribri, @awurth, @PierreRambaud, @LorisB, @eternoendless, @Matt75, @matks, @zalexki, @zuk3975, @ttoine, @ksaandev, @marcoguido, @Quetzacoalt91, @colinegin, @dependabot[bot], @kerin444, @atomiix, @jolelievre, @juraj1000, @jf-viguier, @florian-202, @PululuK, @clotaire202, @Amit-Kumar-Tiwari-Webkul, @erouvier29, @manudas, @patrickmyh, @NeOMakinG, @arouiadib, @marionf, @mvorisek!
Thank you to the contributors whose PRs haven’t been merged yet! And of course, a big thank you to all those who contribute with issues and comments on GitHub!
If you want to contribute to PrestaShop with code, please read these pages first:
…and if you do not know how to fix an issue but wish to report it, please read this: How to use GitHub to report an issue. Thank you!
Happy contributin’ everyone!