This edition of the Core Weekly report highlights changes in PrestaShop’s core codebase from Monday 8th to Sunday 14th of November 2021.
General messages
Dear developers,
PrestaShop was released on November 15, 2021. This maintenance release fixes 44 bugs reported since the initial release.
A quick update about PrestaShop’s GitHub issues and pull requests:
- 41 new issues have been created in the project repositories;
- 39 issues have been closed, including 7 fixed issues on the core;
- 69 pull requests have been opened in the project repositories;
- 88 pull requests have been closed, including 54 merged pull requests.
Code changes in the ‘develop’ branch
- #26489: Removing some duplicated code lines. Thank you @beattie282
Back office
- #26538: Fixed filemanager new folder. Thank you @alexandrebrubeyonds
- #26506: Introduce CQRS query to search combinations for association, by @jolelievre
- #26220: Repair sorting on block address in customer view. Thank you @tegbessou
- #26061: Clean Back-office templates, part 2 - configure. Thank you @Hlavtox
- #24780: Fix to keep the main product category after importing a product update. Thank you @SergioQuinonez
Front office
- #26477: Fix error while compiling theme assets. Thank you @templatin
- #25501: Smarty Modifier Classname - compatibility with CSS BEM method. Thank you @tups
- #26533: Moved ContextMocker from tests-legacy/ to tests/, by @Progi1984
Code changes in modules, themes & tools
Changes in developer documentation sources
- #1215: Color picker won’t be available in 1.7, by @kpodemski
- #1214: Color picker is coming to v8, not 1.7.9, by @kpodemski
- #1212: Improve HelperOptions doc. Thank you @jf-viguier
- #1211: Move distribution doc into the appropriate directory and improve it, by @eternoendless
- #1210: Redirect maintainer’s guide to the project’s site (Backport #1201), by @eternoendless
- #1207: Improve JS toggle doc. Thank you @abramofranchetti
- #1194: Update broken 404 links to github points 1.7.6.x -> Thank you @SebSept
Customer reassurance block module
- #312: Bump webpack from 5.63.0 to 5.64.0. Built by @dependabot[bot]
- #311: Bump eslint-plugin-import from 2.25.2 to 2.25.3. Built by @dependabot[bot]
- #310: Bump webpack from 5.62.1 to 5.63.0. Built by @dependabot[bot]
- #309: Bump webpack from 5.61.0 to 5.62.1. Built by @dependabot[bot]
Faceted search module
- #556: Bump webpack from 5.63.0 to 5.64.0. Built by @dependabot[bot]
- #555: Bump eslint-plugin-import from 2.25.2 to 2.25.3. Built by @dependabot[bot]
- #554: Bump webpack from 5.62.1 to 5.63.0. Built by @dependabot[bot]
- #551: Bump version to 3.8.0, by @PierreRambaud
- #549: Bump webpack from 5.61.0 to 5.62.1. Built by @dependabot[bot]
- #548: Fixed order brands case sensitive. Thank you @alexandrebrubeyonds
OnBoarding module
- #133: Bump eslint-plugin-import from 2.25.2 to 2.25.3. Built by @dependabot[bot]
New 8.0.0 Front-office theme
- #114: Fix closing menu and retrn to home, by @NeOMakinG
- #113: Add some anims to the menu, by @NeOMakinG
- #112: Fix menu without any fixed positions, by @NeOMakinG
- #110: Polish header. Thank you @Hlavtox
- #109: Fix form render. Thank you @Hlavtox
- #108: Temporary remove bootstrap from theme.ts, by @NeOMakinG
- #107: Remove legacy form classes. Thank you @Hlavtox
- #106: Temporary disable jquery on theme side, by @NeOMakinG
- #105: Integrate store page, by @NeOMakinG
- #104: Refacto header. Thank you @Hlavtox
- #103: Integrate brand page, by @NeOMakinG
- #102: Integrate customer page, by @NeOMakinG
- #101: Fix product list size on mobile, by @NeOMakinG
- #100: Adapt product list with new mockups, by @NeOMakinG
- #99: Add jQuery and prestashop object without core.js, by @NeOMakinG
- #98: Make quickview and added product modal works, by @NeOMakinG
User documentation landing page
- #153: fix(deps): bump browserslist from 4.16.3 to 4.17.6. Built by @dependabot[bot]
- #152: fix(deps): bump lodash from 4.17.20 to 4.17.21. Built by @dependabot[bot]
- #151: fix(deps): bump tar from 6.1.8 to 6.1.11. Built by @dependabot[bot]
- #150: fix(deps): bump path-parse from 1.0.6 to 1.0.7. Built by @dependabot[bot]
- #149: chore(deps-dev): bump eslint-config-airbnb-base from 14.2.1 to 15.0.0. Built by @dependabot[bot]
Core Weekly Generator tool
- #40: Remove support of the 1.7.7.x branch, by @boubkerbribri
Product Comments module
- #116: Fixed ratings grade when changing product combination, by @Progi1984
Google Analytics module
- #103: Modify css to avoid text overlap in french language. Thank you @christophe-rouille
Thank you to the contributors whose pull requests were merged since the last Core Weekly Report: @kpodemski, @jf-viguier, @eternoendless, @dependabot[bot], @NeOMakinG, @Hlavtox, @Progi1984, @PierreRambaud, @abramofranchetti, @matks, @alexandrebrubeyonds, @boubkerbribri, @jolelievre, @beattie282, @templatin, @SebSept, @christophe-rouille, @marionf, @tegbessou, @tups, @SergioQuinonez!
Thank you to the contributors whose PRs haven’t been merged yet! And of course, a big thank you to all those who contribute with issues and comments on GitHub!
If you want to contribute to PrestaShop with code, please read these pages first:
…and if you do not know how to fix an issue but wish to report it, please read this: How to use GitHub to report an issue. Thank you!
Happy contributin’ everyone!