Thanks to 2,870 Crowdin contributors, PrestaShop has been translated in over 65 languages, helping merchants to create shops in over 200 countries! Translating PrestaShop allows us to aim at millions of potential users and merchants from all around the world. We’re very proud of the work done and hope to bring e-commerce to a growing number of people, no matter what their country or language is. In order to keep reaching new people, we are today releasing our translator guide, so that anyone can start contributing to the translation project!
Why a translator’s guide?
We’ve created this guide to provide translators with useful information and references on our translation project on Crowdin. Whether you’re a merchant, a developer, a beginner or a more experienced translator, we hope you’ll find it helpful and that it will achieve its main promise: to guide you in making a good-quality translation job.
Thanks to a detailed description of the translation process, its fundamentals, and its best practices, we hope to:
- Make it easy for anyone to start translating PrestaShop right now using the Crowdin platform.
- Allow every user to anticipate the most widespread mistakes or difficulties they might come across while translating or using Crowdin.
How was it built?
We wanted this guide to be clear and straight to the point with visual indicators (graphs, tables, screenshots, table of contents, warnings, etc.) for the users to find the required information easily. It describes the steps to join our Crowdin project page, contains an overview of Crowdin’s translation area, some useful workarounds (such as how to find context for the strings to translate, how to handle variables and tags, etc.), as well as translation best practices. We’ve also added a FAQ to answer the major hurdles you might have to face.
You can download the Translator’s guide here:
If you want to contribute in any other way to PrestaShop (for code, documentation, support, or bug reporting), check our How to contribute guide.
In order to improve this guide and be more helpful for the community, we need your feedback. Feel free to share your opinions with us!
Thank you!