This edition of the Core Weekly report highlights changes in PrestaShop’s core codebase during the previous week, from Monday 4th to Sunday 10th of July 2016.
General messages
We’re getting real close to a Beta 2 release? Are you ready? :)
Have you tried one of your modules in 1.7? Have you tried to create a 1.7 theme? How did it go?
Give us your feedback!
Want to help things go faster? There are several ways:
- Test the Beta version (or better, test the current development version, straight from GitHub);
- Report issues on the Forge (or confirm issues that are already listed - use the search engine!);
- Fix issues by submitting a pull request (or confirm that a submitted pull request does indeed fix the presented issue);
- Help improve the 1.7 tech documentation (both for themes and modules), with issues and pull requests.
You can find an up-to-date thread about the 1.7 development in the forum.
The 1.7 Project FAQ is always available here:
Do you live near Paris? Do you want to come test-drive the design of PS 1.7? Let us know!
Code changes in branch develop (for version
Let’s review the merged pull-requests on the ‘develop’ branch since the last Core Weekly Report!
Front office (including the default theme, named “Classic”, based upon the Starter Theme)
- 5812: Submit current step form when clicking on a next step title, by @maximebiloe.
- 5817: Fix product refresh when changing quantity, by @maximebiloe.
- 5832: Fixed user registration if guest user exist with same email. Thank you @fojtcz!
- 5840: Refactor classic theme CSS, by @nihco2.
- 5844: Wording and rewriting variables for Classic Theme, by @alexeven.
- 5852: Fix displayHeader hook called twice. Thank you @fojtcz!
Back office
- 5811: Migrated “prefered modules” action to Symfony, by @mickaelandrieu.
- 5826: Fixes some fatal in AdminStatsController, by @maximebiloe.
- 5828: Button to add an address from the customer profile. Thank you @alblanc!
- 5833: Fix fatal error on calling TranslatorComponent, by @maximebiloe.
- 5843: Fix fatal on order view - Use sprintf instead of tags, by @maximebiloe.
- 5845: Add translation domains to controllers, by @alexeven.
- 5849: Fixed enable/disable mobile bulk actions on modules, by @mickaelandrieu.
- 5850: Fixed Service label on module read more modal, by @mickaelandrieu.
- 5851: Fixed CTA action on read more modal in Module list, by @mickaelandrieu.
- 5855: Fix call to undefined method trans(), by @maximebiloe.
- 5856: Fix wrong parameters number in sprintf, by @maximebiloe.
- 5837: When string uses domains sprintf() must be an array and tags() must be removed, by @maximebiloe.
- 5839: Introduce trans() method in Admin controllers, by @julienbourdeau.
- 5848: Introduce trans() method in every controller, by @julienbourdeau.
- 5854: Add Translation Extractor configuration, by @julienbourdeau.
- 5838: Fix install in cli mode when paramaters.yml does not exist, by @quetzacoalt91.
See all the PRs merged into the codebase since the last Core Weekly here.
Thank you to the contributors whose pull requests were merged since the last Core Weekly Report: @fojtcz and @alblanc! Also, thank you to the contributors whose PRs haven’t been merged yet! And of course, a big thank you to all those who contribute with tickets on the Forge!
If you want to contribute to PrestaShop with code, please read these pages first:
…and if you do not know how to fix an issue but wish to report it, please read this: How to use the Forge to contribute to PrestaShop. Thank you!
Happy contributin’ everyone!