PrestaShop and are now available. These versions fix a security issue for both 1.7.4.x and 1.6.1.x. Some important issues are also fixed for 1.6.1.x. For the details, please read below.
Since these versions fix security problems, we strongly encourage you to upgrade your shop as soon as possible.
The most notable fix for is:
- Fixed a bug where sensitive configuration information could be disclosed when an fatal error occurred.
Some of the most notable fixes for are:
- Fixed a long-standing issue where the core was unable to access remote resources in some circumstances.
- Fixed a bug where sensitive configuration information could be disclosed when an fatal error occurred.
- Fixed an issue where spammers would exploit the contact form to send messages to third parties.
- Fixed a crash when trying to send an email to an address containing unsupported characters.
- Fixed a privilege-escalation issue in the Back Office where a logged user could potentially execute arbitrary code in the system.
Here is the complete list of changes for
- Core:
- Bug fix:
- #10829: Hide arguments in debug trace page
- Bug fix:
Here is the complete list of changes for
- Back Office:
- Bug fix:
- #8321: Fix Module configure permission
- #8274: Disallow the negative discounts in orders
- #8786: Replace serialize with json_encode
- Bug fix:
- Front Office:
- Improvement:
- #8658: Removed duplicate expressions
- Improvement:
- Bug fix:
- #8828: Stop sending a copy of the contact message to the “author” (avoid spam)
- Core:
- Bug fix:
- #5378: Add a fallback to curl when file_get_content() return an empty response
- #10680: Hide arguments in debug trace page
- #8758: Fix the possibility to create a customer with “¤” or “
- #8763: Catch all Swift exceptions in Mail::Send()
- Bug fix:
Contributors to this patch versions, from both the Core team and the community at large: Axome, gfilippakis, Hibatallah Aouadni, Jonathan Lelievre, Pablo Borowicz, Pierre Joube, Rémi Gaillard, Thomas LEVIANDIER. Thank you! Three of you contributed for the very first time, warm welcome :-)
A very special thank to Panatan from the forum and to Robin Peraglie for the security reports!
Since version is a “patch” update to version, upgrading from any 1.7.4 version will be easy: features will work better, and modules & themes which worked fine on 1.7.4.x will work just as well with
Upgrades from a standard 1.7.x version should work just as well.
This the same for regarding 1.6.1.x versions.